Since this is a sinus tract or tunnel under the skin, there is no cyst sac to remove since the infection and hair are within this tract. The hair, inflammation and/or infection will continue to reoccur and flare up until the hair is removed and the infection and inflammation are managed and treated. This sinus tract creates a tunnel under the skin lined with scar tissue filled with hair, inflammation and/or infection.
As the hair burrows into these shallow holes/pores, it creates a sinus tract beneath the skin. Due to this, you may see coarse hair sticking up from the hole or pore along the crack. You may see lots of coarse hair stuck into the skin at this hole. A pilonidal cyst (pahy- luh- nayd-l sist) is a hole or a pore in the skin at the top part of your buttocks where the cheeks come together, at the cleft / crack.